Utilizing Genius Hour or 20% Time (Learning Activity 8-2)

Benefits of Genius Hour or 20% Time

  1. Genius Hour or 20% time can be integrated into what you are already doing as mentioned in the article it was intertwined with a nonfiction unit. 

  2. It is flexible, so every teacher can make it work for them

    1. Example: some may use science/social studies time once a cycle to incorporate it, or some may use a special block to complete it, or some may integrate it right in with their normal routine 

  3. It is inquiry-based, therefore it is promoting higher-level thinking skills which promotes lifelong learning

  4. It ites in with standards

  5. The site offers tips and letter ideas to reach out and explain the project

 Two potential hurdles and how they can be addressed 

  1. There are just some students who are not self-motivated and may struggle getting started on a project like this/may struggle with coming up with ideas

    1. The site offers some tips on how to approach students that fit this category. I also feel that breaking the project down into chunks would help students realize a project like this is achievable. 

  2. Finding the time to integrate this into the classroom

    1. The article does offer great advice on this issue, however, I feel that some principals and teachers may still struggle with another “added task”. I think explaining how empowering this could be for students would be a starting point to address this issue. Explaining that if done the right way, this can be potentially intertwined right in with something else you are doing. Or you can find some time once a cycle to work on a small chunk of this activity. If principals know it is in the best interests of the students, I feel that they would be on board. I could see other teachers just feeling like this is something else we need to do, but really it is all student-based. As long as there are clear, concise directions, this is a student-driven activity. Hopefully they would realize that it would not be anything “extra” to take on. 


(n.d.). The 10 Most Asked Questions About Genius Hour and 20% Time .... Retrieved April 7, 2021, from http://ajjuliani.com/the-10-most-asked-questions-about-genius-hour-and-20-time-projects/


  1. I agree that integrating it onto the curriculum will take some selling. Not being in control of the information is something that can be very scary for many in our profession - after all- so many of us enjoy the planning of the day and watching its execution- but the letting go it so amazing! So many of your plans allow for student expression that this sounds like an easy plan for you.

  2. The potential hurdle of the unmotivated student is the main problem to me. Having a list of possibilities can help. Don Wettrick uses games in his classroom to get students thinking of projects.

  3. The two potential hurdles you mentioned are also concerns I have. Another approach you could take is that it will tie in with the Future Ready PA Index. Student exploration of a topic they are interested in, can help prepared them for a future career.


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