Unit 5: Connecting PBL, STEM, and Technology

Student voice and student choice are extremely important. It is important that students know they can connect to their own lives, and choose topics or projects that relate to them and their interests. John Dewey’s Triangular model is a great way to look at what education should be today. It ties in Project Based Learning, STEM, and Technology Integration. These three components are the way the world is headed, so it is extremely important to incorporate these from a young age. The article goes on to explain that “technology” was not always what it is today. Back in the 70’s technology was still included in education, but in the form of compasses, cameras, and other “equipment” (Gorman, 2014). It is interesting to reflect back and notice that those tools WERE and ARE actually forms of technology. Times have changed drastically and it is so important to stay on top of all of the changing technologies and pass that knowledge onto our students. 

While watching the video by Ruben Puentedura on Applying the SAMR Model, I was able to reflect on my own teaching. The SAMR model focuses on evolving. I took this as evolving both as an educator and a learner. The levels of the SAMR Model are Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (Puentedura). Puentedura’s example of the modification step was enhancing lessons to create “gateways to each other’s knowledge.” This really stood out to me. It is like taking something individual, making it electronic, and allowing networking and collaboration to take place which is so important for 21st century learners. Overall, this method was eye opening! 

Gorman, M. (2014). 21st Century Educational Technology and Learning. Retrieved from https://21centuryedtech.wordpress.com/2014/09/15/essential-connections-of-stem-pbl-and-tech-integration-what-would-dewey-think/

 Puentedura, R. (N.D). Ruben Puentedura on Applying the SAMR Model [Video]. Retrieved from https://www.commonsense.org/education/node/4141326


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