Research Topic: Google Sites in the classroom to improve teacher-student and student-student collaboration (Article 3)

Title:  Teaching with Blogs
Authors: Kendra Oliver and Richard Coble
This source is relevant because it discusses the effectiveness of blogs in the classroom as well as gives some blog ideas.

According to Oliver and Colbe (2016), “Although people often think of social media as a space for non-academic interactions, blogs can be helpful tools for instructors interested in enhancing their students’ communication skills and increasing their students’ investment in learning. (Why Teach Blogs, para. 1). I always try to find a blog quote that strikes my interest, but also sums up the article along with the reason I chose it. Many traditional teachers may find a lot of the technology advances to be daunting, and may feel that students “need” the more traditional learning environment. However, times have changed drastically, and students “need” to be involved in technology because it is all around them. It will be a part of their personal, academic, and professional growth for years to come. 

This blog summarizes what a blog is, why it is important in the classroom for reasons like expanding creativity, free writing, and simply getting thoughts out. The blog also explains that blog writing in education can also be strictly academic and they offer examples like this one for a space unit: link. 

 Oliver and Colbe also make three solid points that stood out to me. The Blog should be an extension of the classroom, choosing an appropriate blogging platform for your students, and whether your students’ posts should be private or public (Oliver & Colbe, 2016). 


Oliver, K. H. & Coble, R. R. (2016). Teaching with blogs. Retrieved from 


  1. I like the idea that our blogs should "be an extension of our classroom." I need to find ways to keep the sacredness of the content of their paper journals but still tie in the ideas of a wider audience. I will check out this source!

  2. I also think that this ties in with the article that Ms. Brozusky post, :"Is there a Blueprint to Follow?" about using technology in a traditional classroom setting.


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